Installation Planning Guide GLOSSARY-5
device Any piece of hardware other than the CPU (Central
Processing Unit).
DFA Document Feeding and Finishing Architecture. Software
that enables third-party feeding and finishing devices to
be attached to a Xerox printer to perform pre- and post-
processing functions (such as roll-feeding, saddle-
stitching, booklet-making, etc.)
diagnostics Programs used to diagnose problems within the system
or to help service personnel pinpoint the source of such
digitize To express or represent data in digital (binary) form so
that it can be processed electronically.
directory Logical grouping of files and subdirectories that are
identified by name. The directory helps organize data on
large storage media.
dithering The process in laser printing which uses dot patterns to
simulate shades of gray or tones of a color.
DOS Disk Operating System. Operating system commonly
used on personal computers. See also operating
dot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch,
for example, 300 dots per inch (dpi). May also be
referred to as a picture element (pixel) or spot.
dry ink Minute particles of resin and carbon toner deposited and
fused onto the page to create images. Toner is combined
with developer to form the dry ink.
duplex Ability to send and receive information simultaneously.
duplex printing Printing on both sides (front and back) of a page. See
also simplex printing.
electronic publishing The integrated production of documents on demand,
using digitally stored documents, computerized
composition, and electronic printing systems.
enabler Hardware devices or software packages that allow the
printer to perform as specified.
EPS Enterprise Printing System.
Ethernet Network standard consisting of a coaxial cable or twisted
pair and associated components for connecting
workstations to each other, to file servers, and to
peripherals. This communication system enables
workstation users to share information and services.