Programs Windows CE
52 M000174-19
The password settings are stored in the «FtpSvr.ini» file in the directory «\“Bootdevice”\OS\». The
data stored is naturally encrypted. The file is stored on the boot device, which means that the
password settings are also retained after a restart.
7.5.2 C
The following parameters are supported:
Parameter Description
-d Deactivates a previously activated password protection.
-p «Password» Activates the password protection with the new password transferred as a
-i «File» Defines the path to the INI file in which the password settings are saved. If
the password protection is activated without the /i parameter, an INI file
«FtpSvr.ini» is created in the directory «\StorageCard\OS». The INI file
only contains encrypted data.
-h Minimizes the server dialog immediately to the status bar when the server
is started (dialog not visible).
-exit Exits the FTP server. This call only has a function if the server is already
-port «number» Defines the port number of the FTP server, the default port number is 21.
Only values between 0 and 65535 are allowed.
-prio low
-prio high
The setting «high» sets the priority of the FTP server to 1 higher than
normal, «low» sets the priority to 1 below normal. This setting is optional.
-root «directory» Defines the root directory. Changing to upper directories is not allowed.
-timeout «sec.» Defines the timeout in seconds (default is 5, maximum is 120). This is
helpful for slow connections via modem.