Windows CE Programs
M000174-19 55
7.6.2 INI FILE
The startup behavior and the display of Internet Explorer can be modified either via the command line
parameters (see chapter
Command line parameters) or INI File. The directory «\Storagecard\os»
contains an example of an INI file «MiExplorer.ini».
The INI file contains the following settings.
[MIExplorer] Description:
Start Page Start address specified (call via the GoHome button in the toolbar)
Examples of files on the Flash card:
Search Page Specifies the search address (call via the GoSearch button within the toolbar)
FullScreen 0: Taskbar remains visible (default)
1: Application is started in full screen mode
StatusBar 0: Status bar is not displayed (default)
1: Status bar is shown at the bottom of the screen
ToolBar 0: Toolbar with buttons is not shown
1: Toolbar is shown with the following buttons [MiExplorer buttons] at the top
of screen (default)
MenuBar 0: Menu not visible (default)
1: Menu displayed
AddressBar 0: Address entry field not visible (default)
1: Address entry field visible
Æ Toolbar = 1
AddressBarWidth Width of the address entry field in pixels
Æ AddressBar = 1
Animate 0: Animation icon not displayed (default)
1: Display of animation icon on the right of the screen within the toolbar
Æ Toolbar = 1
TaskSwitch EXE Definition of the EXE file to be activated on the Taskswitch call (see also
[MiExplorer Buttons] – Taskswitch
ProxyEnable 0: Proxy server not activated (default)
1: Proxy server activated
ProxyServer Address of the proxy server including port number
e.g. 192.1681.1:80
AnchorUnderline yes, no, hover