X20 Console Manual
If at any time during the charging process the X20
console’s ambient temperature falls between
0°Celsius (C) and 50°C (32°F and 122°F) then the X20’s
Power Management system will automatically change to
Fast Charging of the X20’s internal battery, thus reducing
the charging time dramatically.
LED’s and Charging the Battery
• While the X20 console is charging (either in Fast
Charge or Trickle Charge) mode then the internal
battery status (right LED) will flash once every
5 seconds
• Once the internal battery Status LED changes from
RED to ORANGE (and the external supply Status
LED is still ORANGE or GREEN) then the X20 Power
button can be pressed for 3 seconds and the X20
console will startup
• While the X20 console is in charge mode the internal
battery Status LED will still flash every 5 seconds. The
LED will flash either ORANGE or GREEN depending
on the voltage of the internal battery.
Internal Battery Charging Restrictions
Fast charge is allowed between 0°C and 50°C (32°F and 122°F).
Trickle charging is allowed below 0°C (32°F) and above 50°C
(122°F). This is a restriction and requirement of the Nickel Metal
Hydride (NiMH) battery chemistry technology.