
CMODe Subsystem (Audio Analyzer)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
CMODe:ENABle:THD <Boolean>
Usage: Turns the THD measurements on and off in the Real_Time measurement
window of Audio Analyzer.
Query: CMOD:ENAB:THD? returns 0 for THD measurement disabled or 1 for THD
measurement enabled in the Audio Analyzer Real–Time window.
*RST: Sets the THD enable measurement to off.
CMODe:ENABle:WOW <Boolean>
Usage: Turns the Wow and Flutter measurement on and off in the Realtime measure-
ments window of Audio Analyzer.
Query: CMOD:ENAB:WOW? returns 0 for WOW measurement disabled or 1 for WOW
measurement enabled in the Audio Analyzer Real–Time window.
*RST: Sets the Wow&Flutter enable to off.
CMODe:FILTer:STATe <Boolean>
Usage: Sets or queries the state of the Filter selection of Audio Analyzer. If you wish
no filter on either channel, you must set CMODe:FILT:TYPE[1–2] to ’NONE’
for the channel you want to remain unfiltered. This command,
CMOD:FILT:STAT ON|OFF controls the filter state for both channels.
Query: CMOD:FILT:STAT? returns 0 for off or 1 for on. The filter state applies to
both Channels.
*RST: Sets the filters states to off.