SOURce:SWEep Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SOURce[1–8]:SWEep:DWELl <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets the dwell time for points in a sweep for the designated source. Note that
dwell cannot exceed TIME/POINts. Trying to set it to a greater value causes an
error. When changing dwell time, the number of points does not change, but the
sweep time does to accomodate the new dwell x points time
Range: <numeric_value> for dwell time is from 0.1 to 600.00.
Units: Seconds
Resolution: 0.1 seconds
Query: SOURce[1–8]:SWEep:DWELl?
*RST: Sets sweep dwell for 1.5 seconds.
SOURce[1–8]:SWEep:POINts <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets the number of points in a stepped sweep. If points are changed, DWELl
will also be changed, but not TIME.
Range: <numeric_value> is 1 to 128 points.
Query: SOURce[1–8]:SWEep:POINts?
*RST: Sets sweep points to 16.
SOURce[1–8]:SWEep:SPACing LINear|LOGarithmic
Usage: Sets the sweep spacing versus time relationship of the sweep.
Parameters: LINear The sweep is incremented or decremented by an equal amount
for each step until the sweep limit is reached.
LOGarithmic The sweep is incremented or decremented in a step size
determined by a logarithimc curve fitted between the start and stop frequency.
Stepping is determined by SWEep:POINts.