of Example:
MMEMory Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: Closes the file specified in MMEMory:NAME.
Error: An attempt to close a file that is not open causes error –256, (File name not
found) to be generated
MMEMory:COPY '[device:/]{path_name/}source_file',
Usage: Copies an existing file into a new file. The copy is byte-for-byte, even for text
files. When the eol (end of line) convention is different between files as is the
case between UNIX and DOS, a problem may occur when copying text files
from UNIX to DOS.
Error: An error is generated if the source file does not exist. If the destination file
already exist, no error is generated, and the new data overwrites the present data
in the destination file.
Example: mmem:copy 'dos:test1','nvram:/tests/test1'
The example command copies the test1 file from dos to nvram into the “tests”
MMEMemory:DATA <filename>,<definite length block data>
Usage: Permits writing to files using immediate data. The filename can either be the
complete path, or you may use MMEM:CDIR first to move to the directory you
wish to write the file into or read it from. If a single character data filename is
used, the <filename> does not have to be set off with single quotes. If the
entire path is specified, single quotes must be used around the 'filename'
Example: MMEM:DATA 'nvram:/function/test',#223This is a test