PROGram Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: Query only that returns a full pathname that may be used with the MMEMory
subsystem or in Tcl scripts. The returned long name is string data.
Example: PROG:SEL:LNAME? returns the full pathname to the selected <progname>.
PROGram:SELected:NAME <progname>
Usage: Names the program to be used as the selected function by the other PROG:SEL
commands. If the function name does not exist, the new name will be selected,
but a new function is not defined. When you are setting up a timed function,
name the function first, then set the times that you want it to run. Multiple
timed functions may be set in this manner as the cron_string(s) being set apply
only to the function specified by <progname>.
Parameters: <progname> is either character data or a string. <progname> consists of 12
characters or less, starting with alpha, consisting of alpha, digit, and ‘_’). Legal
dos file names are accepted. Legal DOS file names consist of a maximum of
eight characters plus up to a three character file extension. As string data, the
file name is not case sensitive and must be quoted in the PROG:SEL:NAME
commands as follows:
PROG:SEL:NAME ’usrfunc1.fun’
Query: PROG:SEL:NAME? returns the name of the currently selected function. The
return will be either a “string” or character data based on the value set by the
FORMat:PNAMe STRing|CHARacter command.
Error: If the currently selected program name is not legal character data, but
FORMat:PNAMe is set to CHARacter, a settings conflict error will be returned
for the query.
*RST: Sets the selected NAME to PROG and the FORMat to CHARacter.