SOURce:DAUDio Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SOURce[5|6]:DAUDio:AUDio:WSIZe <numeric_value>
Usage: Selects the word size used for the digital audio signal from the generator.
Parameters: 8 to 24
Current software in the AM700 forces both channels on a digital interface to
have the same word length. Changes to one channel will then cause the same
change in the other channel.
Query: SOUR[5|6]:DAUD:AUD:WSIZ? returns the setting for the number of bytes
used for generating the digital audio signal.
*RST: Set WSIZe to 24.
SOURce[5|6]:DAUDio:CSTatus:MODE PROFessional|CONSumer|
Usage: Determines the contents of the generated channel status bits on the digital
In professional and consumer modes, the AM700 generates channel status
blocks typical of professional or consumer equipment. In non–audio mode the
channel status blocks consist of zeros, except for the non–audio bit, which is
asserted. In file mode all bits of channel status are determined by the contents
of a user–specified file. See the AM700 User Manual for information on file
Current software in the AM700 forces both subframes on the digital interface to
have the same channel status. Changes to one channel will then cause the same
change in the other channel.
Query: SOUR[5|6]:DAUD:CST:MODE? returns the current setting for channel
status mode.
*RST: Sets mode to PROFESSIONAL.