INPut Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
INPut Subsystem
The commands under the INPut subsystem are used to select the INPut signal source
and set the input impedance and range of the analog inputs, A and B. As indicated
in the commands, not all INPut suffixes are available for all the commands.
Parameters: INPut1 Analog A
INPut3 Analog B
INPut5 Digital_Main
INPut7 Digital Reference
INPut[1|3]:IMPedance <numeric_value>
Usage: Set input impedance of the two analog inputs, A and B.
Parameters: Parameters for <numeric_value> are 150, 600, and 200000.
Units: Ohms (termination impedance)
Query: INP[1|3]:IMP? returns the input impedance setting for the designated
analog input.
*RST: Sets INP[1|3] impedance to 200000 W.
INPut[1|3]:RANGe <numeric_value>
Usage: Used to manually select the input range of the analog inputs. Turn off Auto
Range first before setting a new input range to maintain the new manually
selected input range. If Auto remains on, it will reset the input range according
to the applied signal amplitude.
Parameters: <numeric_value> is the rms voltage at the A/D converter clip point.
Range: 0.06 to 122.75 (–19 dBu to +47 dBu) in 12 gain/attenuator range steps:
0.06, 0.12, 0.245, 0.489, 0.975, 1.945, 3.88, 7.74, 15.45, 30.83, 61.52, 122.75
Units: Volts