DISPlay Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
DISPlay Subsystem
The DISPlay Subsystem controls the selection and presentation of text, graphs, and
TRACe information. DISPlay does not modify the way in which data is output to a
controller. DISPlays are separated into WINDows. A window consits of three
overlapping planes: text, graphics, and traces and all of these may be displayed at
the same time in a given window.
Usage: Display subsystem commands set various parameters of the display including
intensity, views displayed, measurements displayed in the views, number of
traces displayed in the views. text strings in the dialog boxes, and generator
status display (what will be settable in this window?).
Error: If a display command is used that does not apply to a designated window's
features, it will not work and an error will be generated.
DISPlay:BRIGhtness <numeric_value>
Usage: Set the display intensity.
Range: <numeric_value> range is 0 to 10 where 0 is full dim and 10 is full bright.
Query: DISPlay:BRIGhtness? returns the present display brightness level setting.
*RST: Sets the BRIGHtness to a visible level (85%).
Usage: Toggles the complete display, both the AM700 and the rear panel VGA output,
on and off.
Parameters: Off turns off the display
On turns on the display
*RST: Enable is set to ON