STATus Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
STATus Subsystem
The STATus subsystem controls the status-reporting registers of the AM700. These
registers conform to the IEEE 488.2 specification. The status reporting registers may
comprise a condition register, an event register, an enable register, and negative and
positive transition filters.
There is a queue for status. The queue provides a human readable record of
instrument errors. A programmer may individually enable events into the queue by
masking those events not wanting to see. You can query the summary registers to
determine if an event occurs. After an event occurs, you can then query the other
registers to determine what event occurred. When looking for a specific event, such
as a trigger, you can mask the events you do not want to see (enable or disable) so
that you can limit the number of inputs that cause the summary register to change
Status register bits are classified as either terminal (reporting a single class of
events) or summary (reporting several classes of events). The parameters to the
commands are described as <NRf> as defined in IEEE 488.2 and not as SCPI
<numeric_values>. UP, DOWN, MINimum, and MAXimum are not accepted for
these commands. When a STATus command is queried, the return form is an <nr1>
In the AM700 the following status reporting register sets are implemented.
H OPERation
H OPERation:INSTrument
H OPERation:SYSTem
H OPERation:TRIGger
H QUEStionable
H QUEStionable:INPut
H QUEStionable:INPut SUMMary
H QUEStionable:INSTrument
H QUEStionable:SOURce
H QUESTionable:SOURce:SUMMary