DISPlay Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Example: DISP:WIND5:TRAC2:AXIS:UNIT dbm sets the Ch 1 Level units in the
real-time analyzer to dbm.
Example: The tcl command that follows will print all the units for Ch 1 in the real-time
analyzer box:
foreach s { 1 2 3 4 5 6} {puts stdout [scpi
Query: DISP:WIND5:TRAC2:AXIS:UNIT? returns the setting of the Ch 1 Level
Suffixes: The suffixes for generator TRACe are counted across the rows (through one
channel, and then the next). The indices are as follows:
1 Analog A Frequency
2 Analog A Level
3 Analog B Frequency
4 Analog B Level
5 Digital SF1 Frequency
6 Digital SF1 Level
7 Digital SF2 Frequency
8 Digital SF2 Level
Example: DISP:WIND60:TRAC4[:X]:AXIS:UNIT mV sets the generator analog B
level x-axis units to mV.
Example: The following tcl command changes the units for all the levels to dBm:
foreach s { 2 4 6 8 } {scpi
Query: DISP:WIND60:TRAC4[:X]:AXIS:UNIT? return the units for the generator
analog B level x-axis.
*RST: Sets x-axis frequency units to Hz and level units to dBu.