SENSe Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SENSe Subsystem
The SENSe setup commands are used to control some parameters of the digital
audio measurement function, and to query measurements made on the digital
interface. Commands in this subsystem are used to control the acquisition methods
of the AM700. Commands under the :DATA:DAUDio subnode control how digital
audio signals are acquired and queries to determine measurements.
Parameters: Sense suffixes are:
5 Digital A Main
6 Digital B Main
7 DSP A Port
8 DSP B Port
9 Digital A Ref
10 Digital B Ref
11 Eye Pattern
Usage: Queries the digital audio sampling rate for the designated SENSe.
Parameters: 0 is LOW for 32 kHz
1 is MED for 44.1 kHz
2 is HIGH for 48 kHz
Query: SENSe[5–8]:DAUDio:AUDio:SRATe? Query only. Returns the indicated
sampling rate of the digital audio signal as encoded in the serial data stream.
Usage: Sets or queries the interface bandwidth used with the eye data sampler.
Query: SENSe11:DAUDio:INTerface:BWIDth? returns MEDIUM0, or HIGH1,
or 2 for the setting of the LFREJ filter used with the eye data sampler.