opposite direction, both directions or all
directions), and the speed limit. If the map
contains speed limit information, this will
be the default value for Camera Speed.
• Edit Cam: you can edit the parameters of
the camera near or at the Cursor, or delete
it. This menu point replaces Add Cam and
is available only if the selected point is near
or at a speed camera. A window will open
up that contains the same settings as in
Add Cam. In addition, it will have a Delete
button that removes the camera from the
•Add POI: opens the new POI capture win-
dow to let you add the selected map point
to the list of your user points. This menu
point is only available on the Map screen
and if there are no POIs near the cursor
(i.e. only the address is shown in the Popup
Info window).
• POI: opens the list of POIs near the se-
lected point. These are the POIs shown in
the Popup Info window. If you want to add
a new POI at the cursor, you can do so by
tapping New in the bottom left corner. This
menu point replaces Add POI and it is only
available in the Map screen and if there is
at least one POI item near the Cursor.
Current Street (No. 12)
This fi eld of the Cockpit screen shows the
name or number (as available) of the cur-
rent street or road you are driving on.
TIP: Some roads have an alternative name
(or number). This is normally shown togeth-
er with the primary name in this fi eld. You
can hide these alternative names in Map
Tilt Up And Down (No. 13 & 14)
These semi-transparent buttons are only
displayed if “Zoom & Tilt” is enabled in the
Quick menu.
This function modifi es the vertical view-
ing angle of the map in 3D mode. You can
change the angle in a wide range starting
from a top down view (2D view is seam-
lessly integrated) all the way to a fl at view
that lets you see far ahead.
The automatic Smart Zoom function will do
the necessary tilting for you when navigat-
ing (gives a fl at view if the next turn is at a
distance to let you see far ahead and raises
the angle when approaching a turn to give
you a better view of the upcoming maneu-
ver). If you manually change the view angle,
Smart Zoom will no longer tilt the map by
itself (automatic zooming and rotating re-
mains active).
You need to touch the Lock button to re-
turn the tilt control to Smart Zoom. You can
also set Cydle to do this automatically after
a few seconds.
Menu (No. 15)
This button opens the Menu with the Find
engine, the Quick menu, the Route menu
and the exit button that takes you to the
Main menu screen. The Menu will be de-
scribed in detail later.
Travel and Route Data (No. 16)
The contents of these three fi elds are differ-
ent when cruising (without an active route)
or navigating (following an active route).
While cruising, the fi elds show the present
speed, the current speed limit and the time
of day.
While navigating a route, these fi elds show
the estimated time needed to reach the
destination (ETE), the distance to destina-
tion, and the estimated arrival time at the
destination (ETA) by default.
You can choose what to display in these
three fi elds during navigation, by going to
Navigation System