Manage POI (Points of Interest)
Here you can set all the parameters of POIs
that you have created and the visibility of
the built-in POIs that come with the map.
Manage Built-In POI Visibility
The maps in Cydle come with a huge num-
ber of POIs. Displaying all of them would
make the maps too crowded (to see how
POI items are shown on the map see Page
55). In order to avoid that, you can decide
which POI groups to show and which ones
to hide on the map. Cydle has a multi-level
POI category system. You can set the vis-
ibility of the top two levels. All levels below
that will be shown or hidden according to
their respective category (i.e. you can set
the visibility of Petrol Stations in the Ser-
vices category, but all brands listed under
that will either be shown or suppressed to-
Groups shown with a grey icon are hidden;
blue icons are visible on the map, while
the ones shown in two colors have some of
their subcategories shown and some oth-
ers hidden.
If you highlight any of the POI groups by
tapping them, the button in the bottom left
corner will become Show if the POI group
is hidden, or Hide if the group is shown or
partly shown.
TIP: To make a partly shown group fully
shown, touch this button twice. First you
will hide the whole group, and then you will
have it displayed with all its subgroups.
Tapping again the highlighted POI group
(except for My POI – described later) opens
the list of subcategories of that group. Here
you cannot see bicolour subgroups, as vis-
ibility can only be set for the top two levels
of categories. Showing and hiding a sub-
group is done the same way as for the main
Manage My POI
By highlighting then tapping again the My
POI switch on the Manage POI main screen
you can manage the POI groups and items
that you have created.
NOTE: The group Unnamed only appears if
you have previously saved a POI item with-
out creating a new POI group for it.
Tapping any of the group names will open
a list of POIs saved in that group. This list is
similar to the list of POI results in Find. The
POIs are ordered based on their distance
from your current position. If GPS position
is not available or you have disabled Lock-
to-Position by tapping the map, the POIs
will be ordered by their distance from the
When the My POI Groups are displayed,
you have the following options:
• Show/Hide: similarly to built-in POIs,
you have the possibility to show or hide all
POIs of the selected category on the map.
Groups with a blue icon are displayed;
groups with a grey icon are hidden.
• New: you can create a new My POI group
by tapping this button. You need to select
an icon, a name, and the maximum zoom
level at which the POI is still visible on the
map (provided you let the POI group be
displayed at all). You do not necessarily
need to create POI groups in advance. You
can do it while saving a new POI.
• Delete: you can delete any of your previ-
ously saved My POI groups. This will delete
all POIs in that group. Cydle will ask you to
confi rm this action.
• Edit: you can edit the attributes (name,
icon, visibility level) of a previously created
My POI group.
• Left/right arrows: if your groups fi ll sever-
al pages, these buttons will let you browse
through them. The green fi eld left of these
buttons shows the current page number
and the number of pages.
When the list of My POIs is displayed, you
have the following options:
• Search: you can shorten the list of match-
ing POI items by fi ltering. Just like in Find,
enter a few letters of the desired POI name.
When the number of matching items can
Navigation System