from the given reference point (nearest
fi rst).
NOTE: In the case of POI items that you
have created, you can also see the results
in alphabetical order. Push the button
with the label ABC that appears between
Search and the page number.
Tapping OK will return to the map with the
selected POI in the center (or starts navi-
gating to it if Find & GO was selected). Tap-
ping the arrow in the top left corner returns
to the search results.
TIP: If you want to fi nd the nearest POIs, or
if you are close to one of them but do not
know exactly where it is or what its name
is, touch the All button on the very fi rst
screen of POI search, and get a list of the
nearest POIs. Use the Next button in the
bottom right corner to turn the page if you
cannot see the desired place on the fi rst
page of the list.
Find one of the Favorites (Home/Work)
If you have already set up your favorite
destinations in General settings, you can
select either of them by simply tapping the
button with the name on it.
Using the Find & GO function at the Main
menu it is only two taps to start navigating
to one of your Favorites.
NOTE: If you try to access a favorite desti-
nation that you have not yet set up, Cydle
will lead you to the setup page.
Navigation System