5 - 3
No. Symbol Name
20 *OP2 Function selection 2 P S 0000
21 *OP3 Function selection 3 (Command pulse selection) P 0000
22 *OP4 Function selection 4 P S T 0000
23 FFC Feed forward gain P 0 %
24 ZSP Zero speed P S T50r/min
Analog speed command maximum speed S
25 VCM
Analog speed limit maximum speed T
26 TLC Analog torque command maximum output T 100 %
27 *ENR Encoder output pulses P S T 4000
28 TL1 Internal torque limit 1 P S T 100 %
Analog speed command offset S (Note2) mV
29 VCO
Analog speed limit offset T (Note2) mV
Analog torque command offset T 0 mV
30 TLO
Analog torque limit offset S 0 mV
31 MO1 Analog monitor 1 offset P S T0 mV
32 MO2 Analog monitor 2 offset P S T0 mV
33 MBR Electromagnetic brake sequence output P S T 100 ms
34 GD2 Ratio of load inertia moment to servo motor inertia moment P S70
35 PG2 Position loop gain 2 P 35 rad/s
36 VG1 Speed loop gain 1 P S 177 rad/s
37 VG2 Speed loop gain 2 P S 817 rad/s
38 VIC Speed integral compensation P S48ms
39 VDC Speed differential compensation P S 980
40 For manufacturer setting 0
41 *DIA Input signal automatic ON selection P S T 0000
42 *DI1 Input signal selection 1 P S T 0003
43 *DI2 Input signal selection 2 (CN1B-5) P S T 0111
44 *DI3 Input signal selection 3 (CN1B-14) P S T 0222
45 *DI4 Input signal selection 4 (CN1A-8) P S T 0665
46 *DI5 Input signal selection 5 (CN1B-7) P S T 0770
47 *DI6 Input signal selection 6 (CN1B-8) P S T 0883
48 *DI7 Input signal selection 7 (CN1B-9) P S T 0994
Expansion parameters 1
49 *DO1 Output signal selection 1 P S T 0000
For notes, refer to next page.