9 - 5
Display Name Definition Cause Action
1. Regenerative brake option is not
Use the regenerative brake option.
2. Though the regenerative brake
option is used, the parameter No.
2 setting is "
00 (not used)".
Make correct setting.
3. Lead of built-in regenerative brake
resistor or regenerative brake
option is open or disconnected.
1. Change lead.
2. Connect correctly.
4. Regenerative transistor faulty. Change servo amplifier
5. Wire breakage of built-in
regenerative brake resistor or
regenerative brake option
1. For wire breakage of built-in
regenerative brake resistor, change
servo amplifier.
2. For wire breakage of regenerative brake
option, change regenerative brake
6. Power supply voltage high. Review the power supply.
33 Overvoltage Converter bus
voltage exceeded
7. Ground fault occurred in servo
amplifier output phases U, V and W.
Correct the wiring.
1. Bus cable disconnected. Connect correctly.
2. Bus cable fault Change the cable.
3. Noise entere bus cable. Take measures against noise.
4. Termination connector
Connect termination connector.
34 CRC error Bus cable is faulty
5. The same No. exists in the servo
amplifier side axis setting.
Set correctly.
1. Command given is greater than
the maximum speed of the servo
Review opration program.
2. Noise entered bus cable. Take action against noise.
35 Command
frequency error
Input frequency of
command pulse is
too high.
3. Servo system controller failure Change the servo system controller.
1. Bus cable is disconnected. Connect the connector of the bus cable.
2. Bus cable fault. Change the cable.
3. Printed board is faulty. Change the servo amplifier
36 Transfer error Bus cable or printed
board is faulty
4. Terimination connector
Connect termination connector.
1. Servo amplifier fault caused the
parameter setting to be rewritten.
Change the servo amplifier.
2. There is a parameter whose value
was set to outside the setting
range by the controller.
Change the parameter value to within the
setting range.
37 Parameter
Parameter setting is
3. The number of write times to EEP-
ROM exceeded 100,000 due to
parameter write, etc.
Change the servo amplifier.
1. Servo amplifier faulty. Change the servo amplifier.
2. The power supply was turned on
and off continuously by overloaded
The drive method is reviewed.
45 Main circuit
device overheat
Main circuit device
3. Air cooling fan of servo amplifier
1. Change the servo amplifier or cooling
2. Reduce ambient temperature.