Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 47
Adjust Traction Drive for Neutral
The machine must not creep when traction pedal is re-
leased. If it does creep, an adjustment is required.
1. Park machine on a level surface, shut engine off and
lower cutting units to the floor. Depress only the right
brake pedal and engage the parking brake.
2. Jack up left side of machine until front tire is off the
shop floor. Support machine with jack stands to prevent
it from falling accidentally.
Note: On 4wheel drive models, left rear tire must also
be off the shop floor.
3. Start engine and allow run at low idle.
4. Adjust jam nuts on pump rod end to move pump con-
trol tube fore ward to eliminate forward creep or rear-
ward to eliminate r earward creep.
5. After wheel rotation ceases, tighten jam nuts to se-
cure adjustment.
6. Stop the engine and release the right brake. Remove
jackstands andlower themachine tothe shopfloor.Test
drive the machine to make sure it does not creep.
Figure 22
1. Pump Rod 2. Pump Control Tube