Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 57
7. Install newcover plate gasket (10) and cover plate (9)
to left side of housing and retain with four washers and
cap screws (5 & 44). Tighten cap screws to 40 to 48 in-
lbs. (4.5 to 5.4 Nm).
8. To assemble cradle assembly, press dowels (46) into
cradle and install cradle bushing (23)onto cradle. Install
screw(52). andtighten to 14to 16 in-lbs.(1.6 to1.8 Nm).
9. Place c radle assembly into housing making sure
dowels and cradle are completely seated into housing.
Apply Loctite #277 (or equivalent) to the end of threads
and install two cap screws (18). Tighten cap screws to
10. To install shaft (25), p lace outer retaining ring (3),
thrust race (15), thrust bearing (16). Install inner thrust
race(15),andinnerretaining ring(3)onto shaft.Position
washer (29) and shaft seal (31) onto shaft.
11. Install shaft assembly into front of housing. Seat
shaft seal into position withseal driver and installretain-
ing ring (2).
12. Install servo piston follower (8) onto camplate. Coat
cradle bushing surface with hydraulic oil. Align servo
piston follower (8) with slot in servo piston assembly (7)
and carefully install camplate (14) into cradle bushing
13. To install rotating kit assembly (6), leave housing
and shaft in the horizontal position. Holding camplate
into position withscrew driver through controller linkage
passageway at the top of housing, place rotating kit as-
sembly over shaft and into housing until pistons rest
against camplate. Make sure all parts are in housing
completely and properlypositioned. Return the pumpto
the vise with open end of housing up, clamping housing
on the outer portion of the flange.
14. Install gasket (11) onto housing.
15. If necessary, press new bearing (48) with the num-
bered end outward, and roll pin (49) with split oriented
away from bearing into backplate (Fig. 30).
16. Install new O-rings (54) on relief valves (17). Install
relief valve in its original cavity in backplate. Tighten to
100 to 110 ft-lbs. (136 to 149 Nm).
17. Install new Quad-ring (55) on dump v alve (42).
Install dump valve and tighten to 27 to 30 ft-lbs. (36 to
40 Nm).
Note: Make sure paddleof dump valveis perpendicu-
lar to relief valve axis prior to installing or damage could
18. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the steel
side of valve plate (22). Install the valve platewith the in-
dex pin aligned and the steel side of the valve plate
against the backplate (24).
19. Install backplate assembly onto housing assembly.
Make sure ports are positioned correctly, and the valve
plate and gasket stay in place.
20. If necessary, press new bearing (56) with the num-
bered end outward into charge pump adapter (Fig. 29).
21. Install new O-ring (60) on plug (61). Install relief
valve in its original cavity in charge pump adapter. Tight-
en to 27 to 30 ft-lbs. (36 to 40 Nm).
22. Install inner gerotor and coupler assembly (35 & 40)
onto drive shaft splines. Install outer gerotor (36).
23. Use a new O-ring (26) and place the charge pump
adapterplate (32) over the inner gerotor and coupler as-
sembly until it contacts the packplate.
24. Install charge pump adapter plate with four cap
screws (19 & 20) and tighten to 27 to 31 ft-lbs. (37 to
42 Nm).
25. Placecontrolhousinggasket(12)onhousing.Install
orifices (37 & 38) into control assembly (34) and hold in
position with petroleum jelly. Position the feedback link
at90_ from control housing.Install servo controlassem-
blyonto housing making sure feedback link enters small
groove in servo piston assembly (7).
26. Attach servo control assembly with six cap screws
(21) and tighten to 40 to 48 in-lbs. (4.5 to 5.4 Nm).
27. Install c ontrol arm (33) ontoservo control assembly.
Retain with lock washer and nut (27 & 28) and tighten to
28. Install new O-rings (56) on all plugs (53) and install
plugsintohousing. Tighten3/4 in.plugsto21 to24ft-lbs.
(28 to 32 Nm). Tighten 1-1/4 in. plugs to 40 to 45 ft-lbs.