Xerox Standard Accounting
In the left pane of the screen, expand the [Accounting] folder, and then select
[Accounting Configuration].
Select [Xerox Standard Accounting] from the [Accounting Type] drop-down list.
Click [Apply] and enter the Administrator User name and passcode when
prompted (default of 11111 and x-admin).
Click [OK].
Click the [Reboot Machine] button when it displays on screen.
Creating a Group Account
On the [Properties] tab of Internet Services, expand the [Accounting] folder, and
then the [Xerox Standard Accounting] folder.
Click the [Group Accounts] link to create a new group account.
In the Group Accounts Account ID box, enter an ID for the new group account (for
example 001). The Group Account can be up to 32 numeric characters. Group
Account ID's must be unique.
Enter a name for the group account in the Account Name box (for example
Xerox). A group name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Group Account
names must be unique.
Click [Apply]. The account will now be available in the Group Accounts list. You
may have to refresh your browser, or click another link, and then click on Group
Accounts again to see the new group.
Creating a User Account and Setting Usage Limits
NOTE: At least one group account must be created before you create user accounts.
On the [Properties] tab of Internet Services, expand the [Accounting] folder, and
then the [Xerox Standard Accounting] folder.
Click [Manage Accounting].
Click [Add New User].
Enter an ID for the user. The user ID can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters (for
example: A10). User ID's must be unique.
NOTE: Up to 9999 User ID’s can be registered.
Enter a user name (for example Jane Smith). The user name can be up to 32
alphanumeric characters. User names must be unique.
Specify the usage limits for this account in the User Limits boxes. The maximum
value for each limit is 9999999.
Click the [Apply] button when you have finished setting the usage limits.
Maximum Usage Limits and Resetting Individual Usage Limits
The first time users log in to the device after they have reached their maximum usage
limit, a message displays on the user interface. The message notifies the users that
they have reached their limit for the feature. The users will not be able to use the feature
until their limit is reset.