Barco K5960051-01 Car Video System User Manual

120 Barco - RHDM-1701 - User manual
Full functionality description
Linear (see figure below-a): The value of the intermittent pixels is determined by a linear inter-
polation of the sampling points.
Super (see figure below-b): The area between two sampling points is divided in 3 equidistant
parts. The value at the sub-pixels situated in the middle area is determined by linear interpola-
tion while the value of the sub-pixels situated in the outer 2 areas is equal to the value of the
nearest sampling point.
Nearest (see figure below-c): No interpolation is applied. Down to sub-pixel level, the value of a
sub-pixel is equal to the value of the nearest sampling point.
Figure 38: “Steepness” settings in the OSD submenu “Resizer settings”