Barco K5960051-01 Car Video System User Manual

Barco - RHDM-1701 - User manual 95
Full functionality description
The scale mode can be chosen dependent on the view mode (
). Aspect ratio button
Composition mode Native Overscan Maximized Viewport Pan&zoom
Single input
Dual view
Function Description
Aspect ratio
Toggle between possible aspect ratios. The actual as-
pect ratio is shown in the status bar for each window.
Aspect mode selection toolbox appears: The aspect
ratios that can be selected are:
Auto: 4:3 aspect ratio is selected for SD signals and
16:9 aspect ratio is selected for HD signals.
16:9: Display the image with an aspect ratio of 16:9 on
the screen.
4:3: Display the image with an aspect ratio of 4:3 on
the screen.
Pixel Map: Display the image in the native pixel aspect
ratio. For SD signals this is different than 4:3 (e.g.
720:576, 720:480, …)