name e Name button provides a way to customize the names of the speaker
congurations. Each name can be up to 14 characters long.
buttons provide the following functions:
• eleft arrow button acts like the backspace key on a computer keyboard.
• eright arrow button adds characters by moving the cursor to the right.
• e+ and – buttons allow you to change the current character by scrolling
through the available list of characters. is list includes all upper- and
lower-case letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0 to 9, and a variety of
button to return to the Conguration Setup menu.
distances e Distances setup page allows you to adjust the speaker distances to accurately
wish to adjust and then measure the distance between each speaker and the
primary listening place with a tape measure or equivalent. You can then enter
the resulting distance value into the menu by touching the decrease or increase
buttons, shown below.
NOTE: You may nd that some speaker options are not available for
selection. ose speakers do not currently exist in that specic conguration.
e speaker selections for each conguration are made on the Speakers page,
which will be discussed in the sections which follow.