Dolby Pro Logic IIx Dolby Pro Logic IIx Music mode has three user-adjustable parameters:
• Panorama presents a wider, deeper front soundstage. e eect is
somewhat signal-dependant, meaning that it is more pronounced with
some recordings and less so with others. With a good recording, however,
the eect can be quite dramatic. Panorama is active when the button is
• Center Width determines how much of the center-channel information
is allowed to remain in the left and right speakers. A low setting places all
of the information that creates a phantom center image in a normal stereo
system into the center channel speaker instead (sometimes referred to as a
“hard” center channel). A high setting leaves this information in the left
and right speakers, fading out the center channel speaker. Intermediate
settings provide a great compromise between the seamless spaciousness of
a great stereo system and the wide listening area of a multi-channel system,
• Dimension shifts the overall balance of the processing towards the back
of the room. In very “dry” recordings lacking recorded ambience, a higher
dimension setting helps to restore a sense of space to the reproduced
sound. In extremely “wet” recordings with lots of ambience, you may
want to reduce the dimension setting to avoid excessive or distracting
DTS Neo:6 eonlyuser-adjustableparameterforDTSNeo:6MusicmodeandESMusic
mode is the center width control. It functions in a similar manner to the center
width control for Dolby Pro Logic IIx.
Dolby Volume Dolby Volume can be used to maintain the same relative perceived volume
across multiple sources without having to manually adjust the volume control. It
is especially useful when used with a set top box to maintain consistent volume
levels across dierent television channels. For this reason, we have made the
feature selectable by input, so you may engage it automatically whenever you
accessible on the Dolby Volume setup page are the leveler and modeler.
e leveler is used to reduce perceived dierences in volume level. It can be
switched o or set to low or high. e low and high settings reect the relative
aggressiveness to which the algorithm will be applied to achieve volume leveling,
with high being the mode with the least dierence perceived in volume level.
e modeler works independently to apply frequency response corrections based
on the output level. ese corrections are based on the Fletcher-Munson curves
describing the relationship between our hearing sensitivity at various frequencies
and the sound pressure level of those frequencies. In other words, the modeler
applies dierent volume contours at dierent volume settings. If you nd the
corrections too aggressive, you can simply leave the modeler switched o.