levels e Levels menu allows you to adjust the output levels of the speakers. An SPL
meter should be used from the primary seating position to ensure that each
speaker delivers the same sound pressure from a given test noise audio signal.
on the front left speaker. e test noise automatically moves to each of the
available speakers, as indicated by the menu title, and continues to rotate around
the room until the Noise Seq button is touched again.
NOTE: You may nd that some speaker options are not available for
selection. ose speakers do not currently exist in that specic conguration.
e speaker selections for each conguration are made on the Speakers page,
which hasn’t been discussed yet.
adjust the level using the increase and decrease buttons. Set the SPL meter to
“C” weighting and Slow response. Each speaker level should be adjusted until
the SPL meter reads 75dB at your main listening position.
in use is button identies active conguration. If the In Use button is highlighted,
then the Conguration is active. If the In UsebuttonisNOThighlighted,then
the conguration is considered inactive and is not available for selection in the
Input Setup menu or in the Home page Control section.
speakers e Speakers conguration page identies which speakers are active for each
conguration, as well as the crossover level for each speaker. e Auxiliary
channels can also be congured through this menu.
First, touch the Speaker Cong button to set up the 7.1-channel speaker
congurations. en we will discuss the Auxiliary channel setups.