7.6 System configuration
This menu item allows you to view the specific unit data.
> Use the arrow keys up/down to select this line in
the sub-menu Settings.
> Confirm by pressing OK.
> Press the Menu key to return to normal operation.
8 Technical Terms
Antenna cable (co-axial cable):
The connecting cable used between antenna and receiver, to
transmit the signal received
Data compression/MPEG-1/MPEG-2:
Using the current television standards (625 lines, and 50 Hz
image repeat frequency) means that a data volume of 216
MBit/s. This would require bandwidths simply not available
with either satellite or terrestrial transmission. Therefore it
was decided to reduce the data volume by using a data com-
pression programme. In Europe, MPEG-2 has been agreed
upon as the international standard for data compression.
MPEG-2 is an expanded version of MPEG-1
Digital Video Broadcasting: A universal digital broadcasting
technology used for pictures, graphic images, sound and text,
i.e. for data in any form, and always in every possible quality
suitable to the type of data
DVB-T Receiver:
The signals received by the antenna cannot be processed by
the television set. The signals are processed in the DVB-T
receiver in such a way that an audio-visual (AV) signal is pro-
vided at the receiver’s outputs in a form suitable for the tele-
vision set
A physical measurement indicating the number of waves or
oscillations per second. The unit of measurement is called
Hertz (Hz)
Part of a frequency band which is apportioned according to a
specific allocation procedure. A TV channel consists of two
frequencies, one for the visual content and one for the sound
content. Each channel is designated by means of a numeric
abbreviation (except for those European television channels
in the frequency range 40 - 230 MHz, which have been given
letters of the alphabet as designations).
Switch in the receiver facilitating the connection to the TV set
by means of antenna cable
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