
set vlan tunnel-affinity 105
Usage — You can combine this command with the set port name
command to assign the name and add the ports at the same time.
If you do not specify a tag value, the WX switch sends untagged frames
for the VLAN. If you do specify a tag value, the WX sends tagged frames
only for the VLAN.
If you do specify a tag value, 3Com recommends that you use the same
value as the VLAN number. MSS does not require the VLAN number and
tag value to be the same but some other switches do.
Examples — The following command assigns the name beige to VLAN
11 and adds ports 1 through 3 to the VLAN:
WX1200# set vlan 11 name beige port 1-3
success: change accepted.
The following command adds port 6 to VLAN beige and assigns tag value
86 to the port:
WX1200# set vlan beige port 6 tag 86
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear vlan on page 91
display vlan config on page 100
set vlan name on page 103
set vlan
Changes a wireless LAN switch’s preferability within a mobility domain
for tunneling user traffic for a VLAN. When a user roams to a WX switch
that is not a member of the user’s VLAN, the WX can forward the user
traffic by tunneling to another WX switch that is a member of the VLAN.
set vlan vlan-id tunnel-affinity num
vlan-id — VLAN name or number.
num — Preference of this switch for forwarding user traffic for the
VLAN. You can specify a value from 1 through 10. A higher number
indicates a greater preference.
Defaults — Each VLAN on a WX switch’s network ports has an affinity
value of 5 by default.