
set snmp trap 151
set ip snmp server on page 142
set snmp trap on page 151
set snmp trap receiver on page 153
set snmp trap Enables or disables the SNMP trap capability. Traps are event
notifications. When a trap condition occurs, the wireless LAN switch
sends an SNMP trap message to any network management system
specified as a trap receiver.
set snmp trap {enable | disable} [all | trap-name]
enable — Enables trap information to be sent.
disable — Disables the sending of trap information.
all — Enables or disables all traps.
trap-name — Any of the items in Table 35.
Table 35 SNMP Trap Names
Name Description
AuthenTraps Generated when the WX switch’s SNMP
agent receives a bad community string.
AutoTuneRadioChannelChangeTraps Generated when the AutoTune feature
changes the channel on a radio.
AutoTuneRadioPowerChangeTraps Generated when the AutoTune feature
changes the power setting on a radio.
ClientAssociationFailureTraps Generated when a client’s attempt to
associate with a radio fails.
ClientAuthorizationSuccessTraps Generated when a client is successfully
ClientAuthenticationFailureTraps Generated when authentication fails for a
ClientAuthorizationFailureTraps Generated when authorization fails for a
ClientClearedTraps Generated when a client’s session is cleared.
ClientDeAssociationTraps Generated when a client is deassociated
from a radio.
ClientDot1xFailureTraps Generated when a client experiences an
802.1X failure.