set timezone 157
Configure summertime before you set the time and date. Otherwise,
summertime’s adjustment of the time will make the time incorrect, if the
date is within the summertime period.
Examples — The following command sets the date to March 13, 2003
and time to 11:11:12:
WX4400# set timedate date feb 29 2004 time 23:58:00
Time now is: Sun Feb 29 2004, 23:58:02 PST
See Also
clear summertime on page 115
clear timezone on page 116
display summertime on page 130
display timedate on page 130
display timezone on page 131
set summertime on page 154
set timezone on page 157
set timezone Sets the number of hours, and optionally the number of minutes, that the
wireless LAN switch’s real-time clock is offset from Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC). These values are also used by Network Time Protocol (NTP), if
it is enabled.
Syntax —
set timezone zone-name {-hours [minutes]}
zone-name — Time zone name of up to 32 alphabetic characters. You
can use a standard name or any name you like.
- (minus sign) — Minus time to indicate hours (and minutes) to be
subtracted from UTC. Otherwise, hours and minutes are added by
hours — Number of hours to add or subtract from UTC.
minutes — Number of minutes to add or subtract from UTC.
Defaults — If this command is not used, then the default time zone is
Access — Enabled.