
set igmp mrsol 361
enable Adds the port to the list of static multicast router ports.
disable Removes the port from the list of static multicast router
Defaults — By default, no ports are static multicast router ports.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You cannot add MAP access ports or wired authentication
ports as static multicast ports. However, MSS can dynamically add these
port types to the list of multicast ports based on multicast traffic.
Examples — The following command adds port 6 as a static multicast
router port:
WX1200# set igmp mrouter port 6 enable
success: change accepted.
The following command removes port 6 from the static multicast router
port list:
WX1200# set igmp mrouter port 6 disable
success: change accepted.
See Also
display igmp statistics on page 356
set igmp mrsol Enables or disables multicast router solicitation by a WX.
Syntax — set igmp mrsol {enable | disable} [vlan vlan-id]
enable Enables multicast router solicitation.
disable Disables multicast router solicitation.
vlan vlan-id VLAN name or number. If you do not specify a
VLAN, multicast router solicitation is disabled or enabled on all VLANs.
Defaults — Multicast router solicitation is disabled on all VLANs by
Access — Enabled.