set igmp oqi 359
set igmp oqi Changes the IGMP other-querier-present interval timer on one VLAN or all
VLANs on a WX.
Syntax —
set igmp oqi seconds [vlan vlan-id]
■ oqi seconds — Number of seconds that the WX waits for a general
query to arrive before electing itself the querier. You can specify a
value from 1 through 65,535.
■ vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. If you do not specify a
VLAN, the timer change applies to all VLANs.
Defaults — The default other-querier-present interval is 255 seconds
(4.25 minutes).
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — A WX cannot become the querier unless the pseudo-querier
feature is enabled on the WX switch. When the feature is enabled, the
WX becomes the querier for a subnet so long as the WX does not receive
a query message from a router with a lower IP address than the IP address
of the WX in that subnet. To enable the pseudo-querier feature, use set
igmp querier.
Examples — The following command changes the other-querier-present
interval on VLAN orange to 200 seconds:
WX1200# set igmp oqi 200 vlan orange
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “set igmp lmqi” on page 356
■ “set igmp qi” on page 360
■ “set igmp qri” on page 361
■ “set igmp querier” on page 362
■ “set igmp mrouter” on page 356
■ “set igmp rv” on page 364