set confirm 47
Usage — Type a caret (^), then the message, then another caret.
Do not use the following characters with commands in which you set text
to be displayed on the WX switch, such as message-of-the-day (MOTD)
■ Ampersand (&)
■ Angle brackets (< >)
■ Double quotation marks (“”)
■ Number sign (#)
■ Question mark (?)
■ Single quotation mark (')
Examples — To create a banner that says Update meeting at 3 p.m.,
type the following command:
WX4400# set banner motd ^Update meeting at 3 p.m.^
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “clear banner motd” on page 38
■ “display banner motd” on page 40
set confirm Enables or disables the display of confirmation messages for commands
that might have a large impact on the network.
Syntax —
set confirm {on | off}
■ on — Enables confirmation messages.
■ off — Disables confirmation messages.
Default — Configuration messages are enabled.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — This command remains in effect for the duration of the session,
until you enter a quit command, or until you enter another set confirm