Use authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) commands to
provide a secure network connection and a record of user activity.
Location policy commands override any virtual LAN (VLAN) or security
ACL assignment by AAA or the local WX database to help you control
access locally.
(Security ACLs are packet filters. For command descriptions, see
Chapter 12.)
Commands by
This chapter presents AAA commands alphabetically. Use Table 37 to
locate commands in this chapter based on their use.
Table 37 AAA Commands by Usage
Type Command
Authentication set authentication console on page 191
set authentication admin on page 189
set authentication dot1x on page 193
set authentication mac on page 199
set authentication last-resort on page 197
set authentication web on page 201
clear authentication admin on page 166
clear authentication console on page 167
clear authentication dot1x on page 168
clear authentication last-resort on page 169
clear authentication mac on page 169
clear authentication web on page 170