
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5.1.1 Navigation and adjustment
RCU Icon Push button (1: top most)
Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
Press 7 to activate the OSD
Use the left and right cursor keys to navi-
gate to a menu
Press 3 and 4 to navigate to a
Except for signal 1 and signal 2, the menus do not have a submenu.
Menus without a submenu display their settings dialog as soon as they are activated!
Press Enter to select a menu with a sub
menu: the menu icon will turn blue
Press 2 to select a menu with a sub
menu: the menu item will turn blue
Use the left and right cursor keys to
navigate to a submenu
Press 3 and 4 to navigate to a sub
Press Enter to select: the item will turn
blue – or –
Press the down cursor key:
Press 2 to select: the item will turn
blue – or –
Press 5
Use the up and down cursor keys to navi-
gate to the entries of a dialog.
The entry will get a "button look" and a
blue dot.
Press 5 and 6 to navigate to the
entries of a dialog
The entry will get a "button look"
and a blue dot.
In case an option is linked to a button:
use the left and right cursor keys to se-
lect one of the options
In case an option is linked to a
button: use the push buttons 3 / 4
to select one of the options
In case increase/decrease is linked to a
"slider": use the left and right cursor keys
to decrease/increase a value – or –
In case increase/decrease is linked to a
button: use the Enter key to de-
crease/increase a value
In case increase/decrease is linked
to a "slider": use the push buttons 3
/ 4 to decrease increase a value –
or –
In case increase/decrease is linked
to a button: use the push button 2
to increase/decrease a value
As soon as a menu entry loses the focus, i.e. another entry is selected, the respective selection will be applied
without any further action: even when quitting the dialog with Exit, the modification will be applied!
Press Exit to deactivate the dialog
Press 7 to deactivate the dialog
Press Exit to leave a sub menu
Use the left and the right cursor key to
navigate to another menu
Press 7 to leave a sub menu
Use 3 and 4 to navigate to another
Press Exit to close the OSD
Press 7 to close the OSD
Closing a first level dialog (i.e. a dialog linked to a menu, not to a sub menu) by means of the Exit key / the
push button 7 will close the OSD!