
clear vlan 101
clear vlan Removes physical or virtual ports from a VLAN or removes a VLAN
When you remove a VLAN, MSS completely removes the VLAN
from the configuration and also removes all configuration information that
uses the VLAN. If you want to remove only a specific port from the VLAN,
make sure you specify the port number in the command.
clear vlan vlan-id [port port-list [tag tag-value]]
vlan-id — VLAN name or number.
port port-listList of physical ports. MSS removes the specified
ports from the VLAN. If you do not specify a list of ports, MSS removes
the VLAN entirely.
tag tag-valueTag number that identifies a virtual port. MSS
removes only the specified virtual port from the specified physical
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — If you do not specify a port-list, the entire VLAN is removed
from the configuration.
You cannot delete the default VLAN but you can remove ports from it. To
remove ports from the default VLAN, use the port port-list option.
Examples — The following command removes port 1 from VLAN green:
WX4400# clear vlan green port 1
This may disrupt user connectivity.
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [n]y
success: change accepted.
The following command removes port 4, which uses tag value 69, from
VLAN red:
WX1200# clear vlan red port 4 tag 69
This may disrupt user connectivity.
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [n]y
success: change accepted.