dap auto — Sets the maximum power for radios configured by the
MAP configuration profile. (See set dap auto on page 325.)
radio 1 — Radio 1 of the MAP.
radio 2 — Radio 2 of the MAP. (This option does not apply to
single-radio models.)
power-level — Maximum power setting RF Auto-Tuning can assign
to the radio, expressed as the number of decibels in relation to 1
milliwatt (dBm). You can specify a value from 1 up to the maximum
value allowed for the country of operation.
The power-level can be a value from 1 to 20.
Defaults — The default maximum power setting that RF Auto-Tuning
can set on a radio is the highest setting allowed for the country of
operation or highest setting supported on the hardware, whichever is
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Option auto added for
configuration of the MAP configuration profile.
Examples — The following command sets the maximum power that
RF Auto-Tuning can set on radio 1 on the MAP access point on port 6 to
12 dBm.
WX1200# set ap 6 radio 1 auto-tune max-power 12
success: change accepted.
See Also
set {ap | dap} radio auto-tune max- retransmissions on page 337
set radio-profile auto-tune power-backoff- timer on page 352
set radio-profile auto-tune power-config on page 353
set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval on page 354