Table 71 Output for display spantree statistics
Field Description
Port Port number.
Spanning Tree enabled
for vlan
State of the STP feature on the VLAN.
port spanning tree State of the STP feature on the port.
state STP state of the port:
Blocking — The port is not forwarding Layer 2 traffic
but is listening to and forwarding STP control traffic.
Disabled — The port is not forwarding any traffic,
including STP control traffic. The port might be
administratively disabled or the link might be
Forwarding — The port is forwarding Layer 2 traffic.
Learning — The port is learning the locations of other
WX switches in the spanning tree before changing
state to forwarding.
Listening — The port is comparing its own STP
information with information in STP control packets
received by the port to compute the spanning tree and
change state to blocking or forwarding.
port_id STP port ID.
port_number STP port number.
path cost Cost to use this port to reach the root bridge. This is part
of the total path cost (designated cost).
message age Age of the protocol information for a port and the value of
the maximum age parameter (shown in parenthesis)
recorded by the switch.
designated_root MAC address of the root bridge.
designated cost Total path cost to reach the root bridge.
designated_bridge Bridge to which this switch forwards traffic away from the
root bridge.
designated_port STP port through which this switch forwards traffic away
from the root bridge.
top_change_ack Value of the topology change acknowledgment flag in the
next configured bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) to be
transmitted on the associated port. The flag is set in reply
to a topology change notification BPDU.