Syntax — clear security acl map {acl-name | all} {vlan vlan-id |
port port-list [tag tag-value] | dap dap-num} {in | out}
acl-name — Name of an existing security ACL to clear. ACL names
start with a letter and are case-insensitive.
all — Removes security ACL mapping from all physical ports, virtual
ports, and VLANs on a WX switch.
vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. MSS removes the security
ACL from the specified VLAN.
port port-list — Port list. MSS removes the security ACL from the
specified WX physical port or ports.
tag tag-value — Tag value that identifies a virtual port in a VLAN.
Specify a value from 1 through 4095. MSS removes the security ACL
from the specified virtual port.
dap dap-num — One or more Distributed MAPs, based on their
connection IDs. Specify a single connection ID, or specify a
comma-separated list of connection IDs, a hyphen-separated range, or
any combination, with no spaces. MSS removes the security ACL from
the specified Distributed MAPs.
in — Removes the security ACL from traffic coming into the WX
out — Removes the security ACL from traffic going out of the WX
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — To clear a security ACL map, type the name of the ACL with
the VLAN, physical port or ports, virtual port tag, or Distributed MAP and
the direction of the packets to stop filtering. This command deletes the
ACL mapping, but not the ACL.
Examples — To clear the mapping of security ACL acljoe from port 4 for
incoming packets, type the following command:
WX4400# clear security acl map acljoe port 4 in
clear mapping accepted