set {ap | dap} radio radio-profile 343
set {ap | dap} radio
Assigns a radio profile to a MAP radio and enables or disables the radio.
Syntax —
set {ap port-list | dap dap-num | auto} radio {1 |
2} radio-profile name mode {enable | disable}
ap port-list — List of ports.
dap dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP.
dap auto — Sets the radio profile for the MAP configuration profile.
(See set dap auto on page 325.)
radio 1 — Radio 1 of the MAP.
radio 2 — Radio 2 of the MAP. (This option does not apply to
single-radio models.)
radio-profile name — Radio profile name of up to 16 alphanumeric
characters, with no spaces.
mode enable — Enables radios on the specified ports with the
parameter settings in the specified radio profile.
mode disable — Disables radios on the specified ports.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Option auto added for
configuration of the MAP configuration profile.
Usage — When you create a new profile, the radio parameters in the
profile are set to their factory default values.
To enable or disable all radios that use a specific radio profile, use set
Examples — The following command enables radio 1 on ports 3
through 6 assigned to radio profile rp1:
WX1200# set ap 3-6 radio 1 radio-profile rp1 mode enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear {ap | dap} radio on page 286
display radio-profile on page 317