display rfdetect countermeasures 541
display rfdetect
Displays the current status of countermeasures against rogues in the
Mobility Domain.
Syntax —
display rfdetect countermeasures
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Output no longer lists rogues for which countermeasures have
not been started in MSS Version 4.0.
Usage — This command is valid only on the seed switch of the Mobility
Examples — The following example displays countermeasures status for
the Mobility Domain:
WX4400# display rfdetect countermeasures
Total number of entries: 190
Rogue MAC Type Countermeasures WX-IPaddr Port/Radio
Radio Mac /Channel
----------------- ----- ------------------ --------------- -------------
00:0b:0e:00:71:c0 intfr 00:0b:0e:44:55:66 dap 4/1/6
00:0b:0e:03:00:80 rogue 00:0b:0e:11:22:33 dap 2/1/11
Typ Classification of the rogue device:
rogue—Wireless device that is on the network but is not
supposed to be on the network.
intfr—Wireless device that is not part of your network and
is not a rogue, but might be causing RF interference with
MAP radios.
known—Device that is a legitimate member of the
Dst MAC addressed to which the last 802.11 packet detected
from the client was addressed.
Last Rogue Status
Number of seconds since the WX switch looked on the air for
the AP with which the rogue client is associated. The switch
looks for the client’s AP by sending a packet from the wired
side of the network addressed to the client, and watching the
air for a wireless packet containing the client’s MAC address.
Table 96 display rfdetect clients mac Output (continued)
Field Description