set accounting {admin | console} 225
Examples — The following command displays the Mobility Profile
WX1200# display mobility-profile magnolia
Mobility Profiles
Name Ports
magnolia AP 2
See Also
clear mobility-profile on page 215
set mobility-profile on page 255
set accounting
{admin | console}
Sets up accounting services for specified wireless users with
administrative access, and defines the accounting records and where they
are sent.
Syntax —
set accounting {admin | console} {user-glob}
{start-stop | stop-only} method1 [method2] [method3]
admin — Users with administrative access to the WX switch through
Telnet or Web Manager.
console — Users with administrative access to the WX switch
through a console connection.
user-glob — Single user or set of users with administrative access or
network access.
Specify a username, use the double-asterisk wildcard character (**) to
specify all usernames, or use the single-asterisk wildcard character (*)
to specify a set of usernames up to or following the first delimiter
character—either an at sign (@) or a period (.). (For details, see “User
Globs” on page 26.)
This option does not apply if mac is specified. For mac, specify a
mac-addr-glob. (See “MAC Address Globs” on page 27.)
start-stop — Sends accounting records at the start and end of a
network session.
stop-only — Sends accounting records only at the end of a network