Table 54 describes the fields in this display.
Table 54 Output of display ap etherstats
Field Description
RxUnicast Number of unicast frames received.
RxMulticast Number of multicast frames received.
RxBroadcast Number of broadcast frames received.
RxGoodFrames Number of frames received properly from the link.
RxAlignErrs Number of received frames that were both misaligned and
contained a CRC error.
RxShortFrames Number of received frames that were shorter than the
minimum frame length.
RxCrcErrors Number of received frames that were discarded due to
CRC errors.
RxOverruns Number of frames known to be lost due to a temporary
lack of hardware resources.
RxDiscards Number of frames known to be lost due to a temporary
lack of software resources.
TxGoodFrames Number of frames transmitted properly on the link.
TxSingleColl Number of transmitted frames that encountered a single
TxLateColl Number of frames that were not transmitted because they
encountered a collision outside the normal collision
TxMaxColl Number of frames that were not transmitted because they
encountered the maximum allowed number of collisions.
Typically, this occurs only during periods of heavy traffic on
the network.
TxMultiColl Number of transmitted frames that encountered more
than one collision.
TxUnderruns Number of frames that were not transmitted or
retransmitted due to temporary lack of hardware
TxCarrierLoss Number of frames transmitted despite the detection of a
deassertion of CRS during the transmission.
TxDeferred Number of frames deferred before transmission due to
activity on the link.