display security acl hits 451
Examples — To display a summary of the committed security ACLs on a
WX switch, type the following command:
WX4400# display security acl
ACL table
ACL Type Class Mapping
---------------------------- ---- ------ -------
acl_123 IP Static Port 2 In
acl_133 IP Static Port 4 In
acl_124 IP Static
To view a summary of the security ACLs in the edit buffer, type the
following command:
WX4400# display security acl editbuffer
ACL edit-buffer table
ACL Type Status
---------------------------- ---- --------------
acl_122 IP Not committed
acl_132 IP Not committed
acl-144 IP Not committed
See Also
clear security acl on page 446
display security acl info on page 452
set security acl on page 459
display security acl
Displays the number of packets filtered by security ACLs (“hits”) on the
WX switch. Each time a packet is filtered by a security ACL, the hit
counter increments.
Syntax —
display security acl hits
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — For MSS to count hits for a security ACL, you must specify hits
in the set security acl commands that define ACE rules for the ACL.