set authentication last-resort on page 236
set authentication mac on page 239
set authentication web on page 242
display accounting
Displays the AAA accounting records for wireless users. The records are
stored in the local database on the WX switch.
(To display RADIUS accounting records, see the documentation for your
RADIUS server.)
Syntax —
display accounting statistics
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — To display the locally stored accounting records, type the
following command:
WX4400# display accounting statistics
Sep 26 11:01:48 Acct-Status-Type=START Acct-Authentic=2
User-Name=geetha AAA_TTY_ATTR=2 Event-Timestamp=1064599308
Sept 26 12:50:21 Acct-Status-Type=STOP Acct-Authentic=2
User-Name=geetha AAA_TTY_ATTR=2 Acct-Session-Time=6513
Event-Timestamp=1064605821 Acct-Output-Octets=332
Sep 26 12:50:33 Acct-Status-Type=START Acct-Authentic=2
User-Name=geetha AAA_TTY_ATTR=2 Event-Timestamp=1064605833
Table 43 describes the fields that can appear in display accounting
statistics output.
Table 43 display accounting statistics Output
Field Description
Date and time Date and time of the accounting record.