mode seed
Creates a Network Domain by setting the current WX switch as a seed
device and naming the Network Domain.
Syntax —
set network-domain mode seed domain-name
net-domain-name — Name of the Network Domain. Specify between
1 and 16 characters with no spaces.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS 4.1.
Usage — Before you use this command, the current WX switch must
have its IP address set with the set system ip-address command. After
you enter this command, Network Domain traffic is sent and received
from the specified IP address.
You can configure multiple WX switches as Network Domain seeds. If
you do this, you must identify them as peers by using the set network
domain peer command.
Examples — The following command creates a Network Domain named
California with the current WX switch as a seed:
WX1200# set network-domain mode seed domain-name California
success: change accepted.
The seed switch in a Network Domain must also be configured as a
member of the Network Domain, with the specified seed IP address
pointing to the seed itself.
set network-domain mode member seed-ip ip-addr [affinity num]
For example, the following command sets the current WX switch as a
member of a Network Domain where the WX switch with IP address is a seed:
WX1200# set network-domain mode member seed-ip
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear network-domain on page 274
display network-domain on page 278