History —Introduced in MSS 4.0.
Usage — This parameter applies to all Distributed MAPs managed by the
switch. If you change the setting to required, the switch requires
Distributed MAPs to have encryption keys. The switch also requires their
fingerprints to be verified in MSS. When MAP security is required, a MAP
can establish a management session with the WX only if its fingerprint
has been verified by you in MSS.
A change to MAP security support does not affect management sessions
that are already established. To apply the new setting to a MAP, restart
the MAP.
Examples — The following command configures a WX to require
Distributed MAPs to have encryption keys:
WX4400# set dap security require
See Also
set dap fingerprint on page 331
set service-profile cipher-wep40 on page 380 on page 391
display {ap | dap} status on page 304
set {ap | dap}
Disables or reenables automatic upgrade of a MAP access point’s boot
Syntax —
set {ap port-list | dap dap-num | auto}
upgrade-firmware {enable | disable}
ap port-list — List of ports connected to the MAP access point(s) on
which to allow automatic firmware upgrades.
dap dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP on which to allow
automatic firmware upgrades.
dap auto — Configures firmware upgrades for the MAP
configuration profile. (See set dap auto on page 325.)
enable — Enables automatic firmware upgrades.
disable — Disables automatic firmware upgrades.