display {ap | dap}
Displays MAP access point and radio status information.
Syntax —
display ap status [terse] [port-list | all [radio
{1 | 2}]]
Syntax — display dap status [terse] [dap-num [radio {1 |
terse — Displays a brief line of essential status information for each
port-list — List of ports connected to the MAP access point(s) for
which to display status.
dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP for which to display status.
all — Shows status information for all directly attached MAP access
points and all Distributed MAP access points configured on the switch.
radio 1 — Shows status information for radio 1.
radio 2 — Shows status information for radio 2. (This option does
not apply to single-radio models.)
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. True base MAC addresses of
radios are displayed in MSS Version 3.2. Previously, the base MAC
address displayed for a radio was the true base MAC address plus 2. Note
that a radio’s base MAC address is also used as the BSSID of the first SSID
configured on the radio. New option added: terse; new option added for
display dap status: all; new field added: fingerprint; MAP-WX security
status added to State field in MSS Version 4.0. External antenna
information added after the radio state information, to indicate when an
antenna has been detected and to indicate the configured antenna
model number; auto flag added to indicate operational channel or power
settings that are configured by RF Auto-Tuning in MSS Version 4.1.