
See Also
display service-profile on page 321
set service-profile auth-psk on page 375
set service-profile psk-phrase on page 381
set service-profile wpa-ie on page 391
set service-profile
Specifies the authentication type for users who do not match an 802.1X or
MAC authentication rule for an SSID managed by the service profile. When
a user tries to associate with an SSID, MSS checks the authentication rules
for that SSID for a userglob that matches the username. If the SSID does
not have an authentication rule that matches the username, authentication
for the user falls through to the fallthru method.
The fallthru method is a service profile parameter, and applies to all
radios within the radio profiles that are mapped to the service profile.
set service-profile name auth-fallthru
{last-resort | none | web-portal}
last-resortAutomatically authenticates the user and allows
access to the SSID requested by the user, without requiring a
username and password.
noneDenies authentication and prohibits the user from accessing
the SSID.
The fallthru authentication type none is different from the
authentication method none you can specify for administrative
access. The fallthru authentication type none denies access to a
network user. In contrast, the authentication method none allows
access to the WX switch by an administrator. (See “set authentication
admin” on page 229 and “set authentication console” on page 231.)
web-portal — Serves the user a web page from the WX switch’s
nonvolatile storage for secure login to the network.
Defaults — The default fallthru authentication type is web-auth.
If a username does not match a userglob in an authentication rule for the
SSID requested by the user, the WX switch that is managing the radio the
user is connected to redirects the user to a web page located on the WX
switch. The user must type a valid username and password on the web
page to access the SSID.